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Top 10 Ways to Destress the Morning of Your Wedding

Are you worried about the morning of your wedding? Not sure what to do first to ensure the rest of your day goes according to plan? Don’t think you’ll have enough time to get things done? 

The morning of your wedding will be hectic! But, there are 10 ways to go around this and help bring the nerves down! Don’t worry! Keep on reading to find out 10 ways to destress the morning of your wedding day!

1. Give yourself a Morning Schedule  

Credit: Brides

Time is the most important factor to implement the morning of your wedding. Giving yourself a schedule will save you lots of time in the morning. The night before, I recommend to sit down and jot down the most important things to do in the morning such as; 

  • Skincare routine (6:00am to 6:10am)

  • Eat a balanced breakfast (6:30 am to 7:00 am)

  • Get hair done (7:30 am to 9:00 am) 

  • Get makeup done (9:00 am to 10:00 am)

  • Get dressed and accessorized (10:00 am to 10:30 am)

The list can go on based on the many things that you have in mind. 

2. Eat Breakfast and Stay Hydrated!

Credit: Brides

Eating breakfast is the most important thing to do to start your day. Let’s be realistic, your wedding will be hectic and you may not have time to eat the rest of the day. But, eating a good breakfast will help you stay full and energized for the day. Breakfast ideas to keep you full are:

  • Bagel with cream cheese or avocado

  • Eggs and bacon/sausage

  • Oatmeal with fruit

  • Yogurt parfait with fruit

This will help you feel satisfied and uplift your mood, knowing that you've nourished yourself with something in the morning. Make sure when eating your meals, you are staying hydrated even through the getting ready process. This is really important because water in your system will help you prepare for the day and not risk you of passing out due to dehydration. 

3. Get a good night’s sleep!

Credit: Holmewood Hall 

The night before, you should plan on getting a good 8 hours of sleep. Even though your nerves might keep you up at night, you want to get as much rest as possible to ensure enough energy for the morning of your wedding. Not getting enough sleep will result in not having enough energy for the rest of the day.

4. Get everything Ready the Night before!

Credit: Pinterest

Getting everything ready the night before can save you loads of time for the morning. Not only that, but you have time to relook everything to make sure you will not miss anything the next day. Laying out your dress, heals and accessories can not only help you, but can keep the photographer busy while you’re getting ready in the morning. In addition, pack a pair of comfortable shoes such as flip flops or slippers to just keep them close by the day or in case you need a bit more comfort throughout the day. Furthermore, keep the bags that you have packed already and place them in your vehicle so that way you can have one less bag to remember. 

5. Pack an emergency kit 

Credit: ModernMoh

Packing an emergency bag for your wedding day is not just a precautionary measure; it's a vital component of ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience. This bag will serve you as a lifeline and will also tackle any mishaps that might occur for the duration of your wedding day. Whether it’s bobby pins, sewing kit, lip gloss, pain relievers, and/or stain remover. Moreover, it provides peace of mind, allowing you to relax and fully immerse yourself in the magic of your wedding day, knowing that you're prepared for whatever comes your way. You'll never have to worry about feeling less than refreshed, as you'll have the freedom to freshen up wherever you go

6. Exercise! 

Credit: FreePik

I know exercise may not be an ideal way to destress your morning but it most definitely can! Going for a walk or a run or lifting weights for 45 minutes to an hour can help improve your mood and could even give you a pump before slipping on your dress. Also, if you’re having anxiety or even worrying, exercise can help relieve stress in so many ways regardless of your wedding day.

7. Take a breather! 

You may be stressing about how the day is going to go or even how you are going to get so many things done in so little time. STOP! Just take a breather! Stepping back from the hustle and bustle allows you to recharge and center yourself from the rest of the world. 

8. Listen to music! 

Credit: Better Up 

Listening to music can help you calm your nerves and help you relax your own thoughts. Plus, music has a vibe for everyone! Just have a concert in your environment while getting ready and it will help relieve so much stress than you thought you would have. 

9. Make time for self care!

Credit: Wedding Etc

Taking your time with preparing your skin will not only be beneficial for the skin but will help you get that self to self love needed before you tackle anything else. The morning of your wedding, you should wake up and continue to do the same skin care routine to ensure that you are hydrating your skin so it is well prepared for your makeup. 

10. Delegate! 

Credit: Sunny Slope 

Take charge and let everyone know a day or two before what they need to do the morning of so each individual could have their own duties and not clash with anyone else. For example, if you’re trying to get your dress on, have someone help you and have another person clean up the area you were in. This helps not only you relieve stress, but it helps manage other people around you in knowing what they have to do as well. 

Relieved now? 

Now that you know the 10 different ways to destress the morning of your wedding, you may notice that a lot of it has to do with preparing the night before. Hopefully after reading this, you will prioritize your time in a good way rather than saving it last minute! And I hope you will find these 10 ways to destress and your wedding morning and day goes as smoothly as you can imagine! 

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