5 Investments That Will Grow Revenue For Your Business In 2021
If you give anything the right amount of time and investment, it is sure to flourish and take off!
Throughout my experience as a CEO in the beauty industry, I have invested a generous amount of my time and energy into making sure my business was succeeding and growing revenue. It is crucial to dedicate time into your business and work to your highest potential to really see your brand grow. If you are not putting in your maximum effort, then you are not passionate enough to see your business succeed. Here are 5 investments you can make right now that are worthwhile and will benefit your company in numerous ways. You will start to see your brand prosper within the next year, starting your 2021 year off the right way!
Increase your revenue with these 5 investments!
1. Remodel Your Website
Your website is where all of your businesses and services are going to be linked together. It is where all of your clients are going to research about you and what your business has to offer. It is crucial that you design your website in a way so that it is visually appealing to consumers and engages them.
Revamp up your website or hire a web designer!
The site must be straightforward and easy to use with various tabs to organize your content.
You must figure out a good color scheme that flows perfectly with the images you upload, as well as the overall tone of your content.
Clients choose companies that can relate to them or have similar interests and styles as them. If your audience admires your website’s feed and overall theme, they are more likely to stay up to date with your content and want to hear more from you.
Make sure to include a tab allowing your viewers to contact you and reach out to do business. You can include your contact information or post a form for them to submit that automatically shoots you an email.
It is also best to include an “About Me” page or it can be incorporated into your home page. This gives the audience a better understanding of the face of the company.
Your tabs can vary depending on what you want to offer your clients. You can do a tab for free resources, blogs, podcasts, products, etc.
Link all of your social media platforms on your website. This is a very important step that allows people to have access to all of your content on various platforms through just a few simple clicks.
Regularly curate content to keep your website running and promote content from other platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, and more.
Consistently updating your site engages viewers or else they would get bored of the content and not want to visit again.
These are the key points to keep in mind when remodeling your website. However, when in doubt, there is nothing wrong with hiring a web designer!
To learn all about the process of hiring a web designer and how to find the right designer for your particular business, here is an article by Toptal, a marketplace for freelance designers who get hired for the most mission-critical projects. This article is guaranteed to aid you in the process of remodeling your website by hiring a professional in all things web design! Click here to read all about it!
2. Formulate A Business Contract or Review/Update Your Current Contract
Investing in a contract attorney is money well worth spending as they will help you put together your contract.
Hire a lawyer to write up a business contract.
Hire a lawyer who can understand your business quickly.
Establish what policies your company is going to emplace and share this information with your lawyer.
Your lawyer will prepare the standard form contracts that you will need with customers/clients.
Make sure the contract is well written and very clear to understand, avoiding any disputes with potential clients
Specify payment obligations in the contract so that your services are legally earning you a commission.
Your lawyer will help you respond to contracts you approach in your future as well.
3. Curate Content
Investing your time into creating meaningful and relevant content will benefit you in so many ways. It keeps your followers engaged and excited to hear what is to come from you next!
A podcast is a great way to curate content for your business.
Create a business account on all social media platforms, especially internet giants such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest.
Even a TikTok account would be a great idea to start for your company to create challenges and hashtags that can go viral and bring in clients.
Whatever you post on each platform should either be reposted on all of the other platforms or at least promoted with a link to access it.
Youtube is great to regularly upload videos where you can do tutorials or even behind the scenes to give your followers a better sense of who you are.
These accounts are beneficial for you to upload your work and show people your talent. You need to post photos and videos that will grow your audience and look visually appealing.
It is good to take time into forming a general theme or aesthetic for your posts to look neat and flow well.
Blogs and Podcasts have become extremely popular and are a great way to showcase your work.
You can record a weekly podcast and include guests that you know your audience would love to hear from. This is a great way to increase engagement since podcasts are easily accessible and are built into people’s everyday routines, especially when commuting.
4. Boost SEO To Increase Traffic
The key to marketing your business is through search engine optimization (SEO). SEO increases the visibility of your website to users of a web search engine, growing the quality and quantity of website traffic. As long as your traffic is of the highest quality, the more the merrier!
Increase SEO for your business.
When uploading content, you need to make sure you are utilizing keywords in your SEO title and description.
Do not just type a bunch of random keywords together for your SEO description. Make sure it flows nicely.
Write blogs that include words and phrases people are most likely to search for and include those words in the SEO description.
Think of what words people are going to search when looking for a specific article, or service.
These words must correlate to your business and the types of services your company has to offer.
Capitalize keywords so that they stand out for your consumers and draw attention to your post.
Look for popular keywords on Google Trends and use those in your SEO description so that your website can be one of the first to pop up during someone’s search.
Use GoogleAds to promote your website and entire brand image by knowing exactly what to advertise in your SEO.
5. Educate Yourself
One major belief I stand by is that you can never stop educating yourself and increasing your knowledge. Whether it is school, online courses, through videos, books, podcasts, you can teach yourself new things every day that can help you grow your business.
Reading books is a great way to increase your knowledge everyday.
Follow your favorite role models and influencers that inspire you on social media to do bigger and greater things with your business!
Social Media is a great place for people to share content that can benefit users and help them learn new tips and tricks.
Subscribe to courses that can make you a professional in conducting business and other topics you desire to learn more about.
Listen to motivational speakers and TedTalks to hear other people’s experiences and how to learn from them and incorporate their teachings into your own company.
Podcasts are great to listen to on a daily basis to inspire you to have a more motivated mindset and create a successful work ethic.
Reading self-motivational books and business magazines can increase your knowledge and teach you a few things you can use when conducting business.
Join a community of other aspiring business leaders in your specific industry to learn from each other and grow together.
Network and make valuable connections by going to events or using LinkedIn. This can aid you in learning what other people are doing with their brand and how they assist you.
Handle your business like a boss.
With these 5 investments, your business is destined to take off and grow revenue for 2021!